01.00 FGSTNR = "Fahrgestellnummer" (Chassisnumber) = VIN 你的VIN号码
01.01 K-ZAHL W/T = specification to dash/instrument
01.02 BMWTNR BMW = part no. of dash/instrument
01.03 COD DIA = index for code and diagnosis
01.04 KI HSTL DATUM = "Herstellungs Datum" (dash/instrumentmanufactured/assembled on date...)
01.05 ???= Hardware hex no., probably version
01.06 SW = same for software
01.07 KODIERDATEN = data of instrument coding
01.08 CAN (no idea)
02.00 KI TEST = Dashbord test. All light, gauges, displays and so on will lightup,
move.... works only when the engine is NOT running.
03.00 ??? (maybe it will show something after your first 'service', motoroilchange) unused as yet
04.00 MOM VBR = actual fuel consumption 实际油耗
04.01 RW-VBR-MOM = fuel conspt per hour 每小时油耗
04.02 = avrg fuel conspt since last reset 平均油耗,自从上次重置
04.03 = distance used for calculation of avrg conspt 计算油耗使用的里程数
04.04 = avrg fuel conspt present trip 这次trip的平均油耗
04.05 = seems pretty close to 04.03 but different start point, probably 03 =since last reset, 05 = present trip
05.00 = average fuel conspt used for calculation of mileage left 计算油耗使用的剩余公里数
05.01 = present mileage left
06.00 how much you have in your 'tank' in liters. Left- and Right compartmentand Total 左右油箱总共剩下的升数
06.01 dito in hex? no, overall fuel left in tanks as shown on dash
06.02 = seems to be electrical resistance of fuel level meters in Ohm
07.00 KTMP-MOM = Temp. Cooling Fluid (celcius) 水温!!!
07.01 ATMP-MOM = "Aussentemperatur" Temp. Outside (celcius) 外部温度
07.02 dito in hex? could be
07.03 N-MOT-MOM = RPM 转速
07.04 N-VWF-MOM = max. RPM at the moment. E60 it gives a value. E90 it shows"-----" 目前转速,E90不会显示
08.00 V-EFF = exact speed 即使速度
08.01 V-ANZ = "Anzeige" speed shown on dash..
08.02 V-SZ photo says "invalid" (?)
08.03 D-GESCHW 1 WEG = avrg speed since last reset 上次重置后的平均时速
08.04 D-GESCHW 1 ZEIT = time used for calculation of 08.04 计算平均时速使用的小时数
08.05 D-GESCHW 2 WEG = avrg speed present trip
08.06 D-GESCHW 1 ZEIT = time used for calculation of 08.05
09.00 Voltage 电压
10.00 KM/WOCHE =distance/week, dunno how that helps
11.00 has to do how the time will be displayed (= 12/24 hr display) 12/24小时制?
11.01 km ormiles 公里/英里
11.02 Celcius or Fahrenheit 摄氏/华氏——所以水温要注意这个设置!
11.03 how to display fuel consumption. km/l or l/100km or mpg 油耗显示格式
12.00 V-ANKUNFT = speed at arrival time 12.01 ANK-ZEIT = time of arrival
13.00 AUDIO = test all warning sounds 测试所有报警声音哈哈哈
14.00 FS EINTRAEGE = error messages (if any) 错误信息
15.00 Oil temp?? in hex
16.00 Dashbord lighting.
17.00 Temp inside in the car??
18.00 CC-TEST = you can see some of the 'check control' messages.
19.00 UNLOCK 解锁
20.YY to 23.YY ??? 20 = correction factor for fuel conspt.
21 = reset dash. Keep fingers off.
22 and 23 not used.22和23没用。